All of the learning!
I'm learning so much already on this journey to the 2023 SC-CC Annual Conference. Learning about social media, website building, and most importantly, I’m growing as a storyteller.
It is already the beginning of Week 5 of the 18 week timeline leading up to the conference. So many people have offered assistance, not the least of which is my mentor Judy Caulfield. Kait Taylor helped me gain a much better understanding of the process that goes into choosing a story. Carolyn Wilker has helped me with website content. Judy has given me many new resources to use as I work on learning my story's main character and getting to know the story from different perspectives.
There is so much going on right now in preparation for World Storytelling Day! The Baden Storytellers' Guild has been working together for many years to present their annual World Storytelling Day concert. My first time participating was in 2021 on Zoom. Maybe someday I will have the opportunity to participate in the concert in person. One can have dreams!
One thing I am learning about myself. I am not used to all of the attention that has come my way after sharing the big news. I don't know if this is something I will ever get used to. I keep reminding myself that this is bigger than me. Also, by promoting this award, I intend to strengthen my connections with and raise awareness of : oral storytelling; the local, national and global community of storytellers; The BSG; SC-CC; and STPL.